Friday, May 29, 2015

Need a Really Good Book to Read?

   Last year I told you how awesome I thought this book was ---
The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry
Well, author Rachel Joyce has written another absolutely wonderful book --- 
The Love Song of Miss Queenie Hennessy
I highly recommend you run to your local library and get both of them.  Read Harold Fry first.  I don't think one would call The Love Song of... a sequel but more like a companion book, but then what do I know.  They are both wonderful stories, his story and her story. 
 It is possible you might want to pick up a box of Puffs as well. 
If you need further prodding just go to and read the professional blurbs about both books.  If you have read them please share what you thought about them.  I am only on page 161 of the Love Song of... but I plan to finish it tonight. 

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Where've I Been

Hello, World!  Where have I been?  Well, life happened.  It has mostly been good except for a few pesky things:
  • Right after I wrote the last post (Nov 2014) I got sick and that turned into walking pneumonia (why yes, I have had 2 rounds of regular pneumonia in my life, and now walking pneumonia, AND I had the pneumonia shot years ago.)  It took awhile to recover from that because my lungs are scarred from the previous two bouts of pneumonia that tried to kill me, and as a result this spring has been just one asthma attack after another.
  • I am still struggling with finding the right combination of meds to control the nerve pain in my feet, my depression, and not aggravate my liver as a side effect.  I find it ironic that this little old Mormon grandma that has never smoked or drank alcohol has lung and liver issues!
  • Since we have been messing with my meds trying to keep my liver happy my depression has not been good.  But enough of that, like Robin Roberts Momma always said, Everybody's Got Something (that is the title of Robin's book, and what her momma said).  And thank goodness I don't have anything like that woman has been through. 
  • The worst thing though, is right after that last post my dadgum laptop died!  I have killed more laptops than I can keep count of.  I took it in to a trusted place and they declared it too dead to revive so I did without for a few months.  I have a little tablet that lets me read email and things like that but I love to take photos and mess with them (crop, red eye, share them with family and sometimes you guys) but I can't do my photos on the tablet. Therefore, for my birthday in January I bought myself a little small laptop, more like a notebook, and I am only simi-happy with it.  3/4 of the time when I try to open something it declares "that page is unavailable" (annoying) but the absolute worst is I CAN'T GET MY PHOTOS ONTO THE COMPUTER!!!  My reason for buying the dadgum thing, to play with my photos.  It is a different windows than my previous laptop.  On the old one I could connect my digital camera and they downloaded (uploaded??? I am technology challenged) right to my laptop, no problem, and I was happy as a clam.  This one refuses to do that for me.  Something about Cloud.  I don't want them on Cloud, I want them on my laptop. I want them to go to that place where I can crop, etc and open them whenever I want... but no, for some reason that doesn't happen, and I can't figure out how to get the photos on Cloud either.   I am very disgusted.  Since I can't get them to transfer from camera to computer I can't get them to Shutterfly, Snapfish or any of those places.   :(  AND I lost photos of my grandson's first year of life when the laptop died and I had not been moving the photos to Shutterfly or some such place.  :(
  • Other than that I have been playing with grandkids, living life with my dog, and reading.  Since January 1st I have read 57 books.  I love it that I can keep track of them on Goodreads. 
  • Since I am too broke to ever do anything, too introverted to be out and among people much, and just too boring to have anything to write about  I didn't go back to blogging when I got the little laptop. Then a blogger friend sent me an email and said she missed me.  Since I missed her too I thought well, why not.  I may not have much of anything to write about but if I can get someone to help me figure out the dadgum computer/photo problem at least I will post a photo every now and again. 
  • And here is a goofy thing... I felt guilty about not blogging so I didn't read your blogs either.  The only blog I have read, and I highly recommend, is Go Ask Alice...when she's 94.  Alice is now 99.  The blog is written by her daughter.  Go and read the "about" etc.   My own mother would have been 95 this year but she has been gone a long time.  Maybe that is why I like reading about Alice, I don't know.  Alice is a hoot, but recently she has not been well. 
Zoe, my dog, is jumping all over me telling me it is time to go for a walk so off we go.  I WOULD put a photo of my dog here just so you would have something to see but you know....