Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Amarillo By Morning

     I love Amarillo!  Yesterday's sunrise was very pretty but look at this one!  We may have tornadoes, sandstorms and wildfires but those are just occasionally. We always, always wind but when I see the weather other places have, like the winter the NE has had this year, I am glad I live here.  Our weather is almost always sunny and when we have snow usually it melts in a day or so.  Today it is going to be 74 degrees.  My son moved to Seattle last August and I have to say I am pretty certain I would love it there too!  The photos he sends of all the beautiful things growing are just lovely and make me wish we could grow things like that.  But since I am here, and I imagine i will never live anywhere else, I will just enjoy the color in the sky.  What is beautiful where you live?
An amazing sunrise for the golden spread! Good morning everyone! Allan Gwyn


  1. Well, I live in Seattle, so i guess you know now why I like it here. The not so good stuff is the long, cold rainy days, which we have now. But we need the water and the snow pack in the mountains in order to maintain our beauty year round.

    1. I think you must live in one of the most beautiful places on earth! Trees, mountains, flowers, water --- my son loves it there. Here people have beautiful yards only if you can afford to pour water on them but the aquifer that feeds our wells is drying up and water has become something not to waste. It is so hot and dry here and water such a problem that usually in summer the city says you can water only on certain days. We would love to have some of your rain.

  2. I moved from Florida after 40 years to escape hurricanes (that year I had 4, back-to-back ones) but also for a change of seasons. Arkansas has provided just what I wanted. We do get a change and like you, winters are normally snow-and-go types.I miss the ocean but the mountain vistas still take my breath away. I could have done Washington or Oregon easily but that was just too far from my family.

    1. My aunt retired in Russellville, Arkansas. I went to visit once and thought it was beautiful.
