Saturday, April 19, 2014

One Of My Biggest Faults

    Occasionally I own up to my faults.  This post is about one of them.  I am old, cranky and set in my ways and one of my biggest faults is I am so opinionated.
     Today my daughter announced she wanted a tattoo and is looking for the perfect design.   Something for her foot, she thinks.  Why yes, she is an adult.  In her 30's and old enough to know better, but yes she is an adult and it is her body.  Did I keep my mouth shut and my opinion to myself?  No.... and I am the one who just a post or two back said introverts like to think before they speak.  Well, for me that gets tossed out the window when it comes to my kids doing things I think are less than sensible.
     I didn't say much .... just that tattoos are tacky, ugly, common and vain.  That I would draw on her with a sharpie for free if she wants.  Oh, and that tats are a waste of money when she might remember she has two sons who will need back to school clothes, shoes, glasses, supplies in just 4 months.  Remember those drum sticks & band expenses that were over $100?? And every class last year had its own expensive requirements that were unexpected and threw her for a loop?
    No, she did not appreciate my comments.  Imagine that.  Figuring my comments had just sealed the deal, I texted back for her to go ahead and tattoo to her heart's content, anywhere she wants, but that I hear tattoos on the foot are especially painful --- but it is HER body so go for it if she wants.
     You would think I would learn to bite my tongue, but I tell you what.  I sometimes wonder about me, my kids, and what happened to that idea that kids learn by what you do, not what you say. (I do not have tattoos in case there was any question, and have been vocal about my opinion of them all their lives).
    I grew up in a time and an area where if you had a tattoo you were a thug, criminal or something akin to it.  The exception were sailors and we gave them some slack because they were busy defending our country and just made a mistake getting that tattoo (but please, we don't want to see it).  Absolutely no one I knew in the first 30 or so years of my life had a tattoo except a classmate who went to prison and came back with a tat.  We were all shocked and stunned .... moreso by the tat than the fact that this guy had been to prison.  My kids tell me they just about don't know anyone without a tattoo.
    I guess my kids never listened to me when i said "so if everyone is jumping off a bridge are you going to jump off the bridge too??"  Both of my sons have tats, Becky now wants one and Casey would have had one by now but thank goodness a tattoo artist near Camp Lejeune told her he wouldn't do it because her skin forms keloid scars, thus a tat would be a big mistake for her.  I know that this mom, when I saw my 4 babies with sweet, smooth, babyfresh skin never once thought "oh wouldn't this be cute with some grafitti on it." Like I said, I am old, cranky and set in my ways.
    Oh well, maybe it is a good thing my eyesight is failing.   Now if I could just learn to keep my opinions to myself.
     I hear that someone did a survey and a large majority of people regret their tats.  If I were a younger woman I think I would get training and open a tattoo removal practice.  I'm betting there is a good future in that skill.


  1. I see tattoos on everyone, everywhere. I commented to someone recently that I do not believe there is an adult under 40 who does not have one and I have seen many women my age with recently added ink, I don't understand the appeal myself, but it's not my body nor my pain so I just let it be.

  2. I'm with you on this one, for sure. Tats are stupid. And when money is in short supply, what a dumb way to spend it! And yes, I am an introvert who has trouble keeping my mouth shut too.

  3. Honestly my only objection to a tattoo is cost and where it is placed. I do not have one and do not want one. It absolutely astounds me to see men and women lined up for assistance with raggedy children and the adults are sporting lavish tattoos that had to cost a fortune. It also astounds me to see a job applicant with a swastika exposed on their bare arm expecting employment.

  4. So far none of my kids (in their 30's & 40's) have a tattoo, but I'm pretty sure that if one of them decided to get one nothing I could say would change their mind.

  5. I just love you! Because you are just like me and we state our opinion. In the end we always regret it, and that opinion always causes a small war on the home front. But we also feel better because we got it off our chest and don't keep holding it in causing us ulcers. I also agree 100% percent with you that tattoos are the nastiest thing I have seen on people. Well next to body piercings and big holes in their ears. If God had wanted our skin decorated he would have made us like that. Besides the right of a mother is to tell our kids what we think...hahahaha

    1. Yep! With our kids we get it off our chest and stir things up! LOL! Oh well....

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Just saying, you are an awesome Mom! ^ . ^

    2. You are too!!!!! And an awesome friend. Wish we lived closer.

  7. Well, I don't have a tattoo and don't want one but I recognize that it is a new generation's way of expressing themselves. Or better yet it's the latest fad....... I remember when I wanted my ears pierced my grandmother was horrified because in her day only "ladies of the evening" had their ears pierced. I can't imagine all the wrinkly tattoos someday......

  8. I missed your posts. I hope you are well.
