Saturday, November 15, 2014

Mary, Did You Know?

     Remember last December when I shared Pentatonix music clips with you?  Here is their offering for this Christmas:
     I am busy THINKING about getting busy and getting ready for Thanksgiving.  Thinking about all I need to be doing is about all I did today between naps and having my older grandsons for the day.
      After 4 days of bitter cold and single digit wind chill weather we had a beautiful 69 degree day!  At sundown the temps dropped... And now, snow is forecast for overnight. It's beginning to FEEL alot like Christmas...


  1. Even in Texas?! I will be cooking Thanksgiving dinner this year. I haven't for years now so it will be an adventure, but I am looking forward to that family time.

    1. I am so happy for you that you will have your children with you this Thanksgiving. I will be cooking Thanksgiving for the first time in several years so it will be an adventure as well!
