Sunday, March 23, 2014

23 March 2014 --- 7 Things

Clean air
Clearance sales
Family dinners
Winnie the Pooh
Water colors
Dollar Tree Stores


  1. Who is the artist? Last week crayons and this week water colors. Let's see some of the work being done. I found some great clearance sales also. Got most compliments Friday night at church game night on blouse I paid $7.97 for. WooHoo!

    1. purely art for fun, no talent, no lessons, we all just like to paint with water colors, color, draw (grandsons, granddaughter, daughters, sons, me). I will take a photo of a watercolor I did some time and share.

  2. Aren't Dollar Tree stores fun? You are getting rather artsy. Taking any lessons or are you all ready there?

  3. Just love color and love to paint, draw, color...purely for fun and with no talent or lessons. I use to make greeting cards like for birthdays etc for my friends on cardstock and painting with watercolors. Haven't in years and just decided that is what I need to do right now. :)
