Saturday, April 19, 2014

Dying Eggs

Friday afternoon fun at Aunt Casey's apartment!  My grandsons got out of school at noon,  so we all had lunch together, dyed eggs and had Easter cake.  It was my 3 year old granddaughter's first time to get to dye eggs and she had been waiting all week for her cousins to get out of school on Friday and come have a little Easter party with her.   My daughters, Casey and Becky, helped their niece dye eggs, Mason and Travis had a good time dying their own, and Grandma and baby Rhett spent some quality time in the rocking chair.  (note to self:  although Casey's carpet is still beige and the table only has two little spots of dye stain on it we best save up newspaper to cover the table before dying eggs next year!)


  1. Grand kids are so much fun, but they do tend to be messy (at least mine sure do!).

    1. The 3 year old didn't spill a drop, it was the 12 & 13 year old! Casey didn't realize she needed newspaper but she knows now. :)

  2. Betsy, you need a caption bubble above each person's head. 1.) "Here we go again." 2.) "Another something I have to wait for." 3.) "OMG!" 4.) "I'm acting cool but I love this." 5.) "No doubt mine are the best". 6.) "Can I do two more?"

    1. LOL! You and I have the same sense of humor and I WISH I new how to add those bubbles!!!! Happy Easter, Annie!

    2. LOL! make that "WISH I KNEW how..."
