Monday, June 15, 2015

I Really May Be On To Something!

      OK folks! Either I am on to something and the blue emu gel (  Blue Stop Max Gel ) really works wonders, or the fact that my daughter rubs it into my knotted-up-like-crazy muscles has somewhat relaxed them -- or maybe a little of both, but for the first day in a long time, weeks in fact, I haven't hurt so bad I wanted to cry.  The knots still hurt when she rubs in the gel, so much so I have to ask her to stop, but it gets better each time.  So, for what it is worth, there you go.
      And I saw something on Facebook today that explains a communication problem between me and Zoe:


  1. I have heard that emu oil is good for muscle aches. Keep us informed of your experience.

    1. I WILL keep you informed as I honestly think it has made a big difference. I don't let my daughter rub the aching muscles long enough for that act to do much as they as just too tender so the product must be working.

  2. I've heard of it too Betsy.....I know a man who just swears by it. Of course massaging those old tired muscles help too!

    1. I am amazed at how much better my muscles feel. I thing they knot up from me picking up my grandkids and they have ached for a LONG time. I keep my grandkids while their parents work so I am constantly picking up the 1 yr old. The jar is only 4 oz but it doesn't take a lot so it is going farther than I expected.
